Estimados Heredianos!!

Desde el instituto Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible, se está impulsando diferentes iniciativas para crear y fortalecer alianzas y espacios de encuentro internacionales, una a de estas iniciativas es impulsar un ciclo corto de 3 charlas en formato webinario abiertos, llamado “webinarios de invierno”, en la que participaran como invitados ponentes académicos de primer nivel, que tratan problemáticas similares a las que se estudian en nuestra casa de estudio. 

El día miércoles 16 de junio de 2021, 11.00 hora de Chile, se realiza en primer encuentro llamado: La ética en la investigación– acción, dictada por el Dr. Lupicinio Iñiguez- Rueda, catedrático de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España).

Cabe señalar que el expositor presenta la siguiente trayectoria académica: Doctor en Filosofía y Letras (Psicología) por la U.A.B. (1986). Catedrático de Psicología Social (2003) en el Departament de Psicología Social (UAB). Miembro del Grup d'Estudis Socials de la Ciencia i la Tecnología (GESCIT) y del Grupo de Investigación en Metodologías Cualitativas (GIMC). Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Psicología Social (UAB) desde 1995 hasta 2007. Editor de las revistas 'Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social' (http://psicologiasocial.uab.cat/athenea) y 'Quaderns de Psicologia. An international Journal of Psychology' (http://www.quadernsdepsicologia.cat ). Professor Convidado en el Centro de Estudos em Administraçao Pública e Governo (Fundaçao Getulio Vargas), Sao Paulo, Brasil (octubre 2009-enero 2010 / Agosto-septiembre 2010). Chercheur Invité en la Maison des Sciences de l'Home, París, Francia (Febrero-Julio 2010).

Webinars: Virtual Global Health Electives for Advanced Health Sciences Trainees

Child Family Health International (CFHI) is pleased to announce that it will be offering a Virtual Global Health Elective for trainees who have completed clinical training.  This includes final-year medical, dental, veterinary, nursing, physician assistant, pharmacy, and allied health students, as well as resident physicians and clinical officers. Now in its second year (leveraging CFHI’s 30 years of experience), this elective is 4-weeks in duration offered in October 2021, February 2022, and March 2022

The elective engages international faculty and trainees from around the world with multifaceted components including:

  • Community-based immersion with global partners
  • Comparative Health Systems
  • Cross-cultural Communication and Effectiveness 
  • Low resource Clinical Reasoning
  • Planetary Health
  • Global Health Ethics and Professionalism
  • Global Burden of Disease
  • International Development
  • Last Mile Health
  • and more....

Comprised of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (self-paced) components.

To learn more and have your questions answered, please register for one of the upcoming webinars! 

Webinar Dates and Times


For Students 

June 17, 2021 at 3:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm ET Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QbqQxWHPQiaY9RhJvdbwHg

June 30, 2021 at 2:00 pm PT | 5:00 pm ET  Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C60-b4YgTxOQTZWLJNRHzA

To find the time of the webinars in your location, check here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

With Regards. 

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Fellowships for Least Developed Countries – Call open


The ICGEB  together with the UN Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries and TWAS and have partnered through an ambitious programme targeted at scientists from least developed countries to pave the way to enhancing the scientific competences of early-career researchers in LDCs.

The programme agreement is called PACTs (ProgrAmme of CollaboraTions with LDCs) that offers early- career scientists from the 46 least developed countries (LDCs), who are aged 45 or under, exchange visits of up to six months at the ICGEB laboratories in Trieste (Italy), New Delhi (India) and Cape Town (South Africa). Scientists will be working in the fields of biomedicinebiotechnology and agriculture. It will also include a third scheme to provide training in biotechnology policy and regulatory science by ICGEB experts.

Prospective Fellows can apply by logging into the Application Portal filling in the online application form for the South-South Programme or the South-North Programme, uploading all supporting materials and submit their application materials before 31 August 2021

For further information about the PACTs program, please see the Announcement on the ICGEB Web site.

For addition inquiries or questions related to the programme and requirements, please contact:

Ms. Martina Viviani, ICGEB Fundraising, Technology Transfer & Innovation Officer | E-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.

Mr. Moshe Kao, Programme Management Officer, UNTBLDC | E: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.

Dr. Max Paoli, TWAS Programme Coordinator | E-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.

For questions related to the Application Portal, please contact: Ms. Fabrizia Niscio | E-mail:  Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. 

Grateful for your assistance in further disseminating  this call among stakeholders in your country.